1) Cash on Delevery (Pembayaran di tempat pemesan) , 2) Chemical Oxygen Demand (Persediaan oksigen kimia) , 3) collect delivery (Kumpulan pengiriman)
1) Cash on Delevery (Pembayaran di tempat pemesan) , 2) Chemical Oxygen Demand (Persediaan oksigen kimia) , 3) collect delivery (Kumpulan pengiriman)
1. Connection-Oriented Data (ATM) 2. Catastrophic Optical Damage (fiber optics)
cause of death; cerebro-ocular dysplasia; chemical oxygen demand; codeine; collaborative organization design; computer-assisted optical densitometry; condition on discharge
Cash On Delivery ; Call Of Duty
Concise Oxford Dictionary
Chief of Detectives
cancellation of debt; carrier on-board delivery; cause of death; central ordnance depot; change over delay; chemical oxygen demand; cleanout door; codeine; collect on delivery